A game that's all about mastery of movement and mechanics. There are 10 levels in total.


  • Move left or right: A or D
  • Jump: Left mouse button (highly recommended) or space
  • Dash: Left shift
  • Fire: Right mouse button
  • Pause: ESC
  • You cannot dash or fire until you obtain the ability to do so.

Your main method of movement is walljumping. To do so, you must:

  1. Jump towards a wall and touch it.
  2. Begin moving away from the wall (just tap A or D)
  3. Jump again.

Jumping off a wall will give you some speed, too. You can move back towards the same wall and continue jumping off of it to ascend higher, and you will need to master this technique to maneuver around. The game will be difficult at first but once you learn how the mechanics work and get your timing down, it feels pretty fun.

And now, some surface types:

  • Safe. Basic ground/walljumpable surface.
  • Breakable, safe. Cannot walljump these. May trigger other things to break.
  • Breakable, safe. However, can only break when triggered by something else. Cannot be shot.
  • Instant death if touched. Many platforms have small bits of this surface on top of them, keep an eye out for it.
  • Breakable, instant death if touched. May trigger other things.
  • Safe, same as basic ground. However, bullets can phase through it.

If you don't like the moving background, you can pause the game to disable it.

Background and skybox created using Spacescape, I just modified an existing preset.

Sound effects from here


wallhopper_release.zip 37 MB